
The Ultimate Guide to Conversion Rate Optimization

It is not enough to drive organic traffic to your website, you need to improve the performance of your website to increase the percentage of visitors who take a desired action. If you’re looking to increase your sales, get more sign-ups or more form submissions, CRO can help you achieve your goals. In this blog, we’ll look at essentials of CRO and best practices to help you optimize your website for maximum conversions.

You’ll get information about the following topics –

  • Conversions in digital marketing
  • Conversion Rate Optimization
  • How to calculate Conversion Rate Optimization?
  • Conversion Rate Optimization strategies
  • How to create high quality landing pages
  • Conclusion

Conversions in Digital Marketing 

If you think conversion means to get sales on your website, then you are wrong. However, conversions in digital marketing refer to the desired actions that visitors take on a website or through an online marketing campaign. 

Common types of conversions include:

👉 Purchases

👉 Form Submissions

👉 Newsletter Sign-Ups

👉 Downloads

👉 Phone Calls

👉 Engagements

Conversion Rate Optimization

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) is the process of increasing the percentage of users who take a desired action on the website. In addition, the different types of actions are performed which include purchasing any product, signing up to receive a newsletter, filling out a form that helps to increase customer experience and meet the business goals.

Here are the main components involved in CRO:

Data Collection and Analysis – The tools like Google Analytics provide insights into user behavior. It also includes visual tools that show where the users are clicking and scrolling on a webpage.

User Experience(UX) design – Consistent design is maintained that provides effective user experience. It also facilitates ways to give feedback or report issues.

Website Optimization – It ensures the ease of navigation which helps the users to easily find out what they are looking for. Moreover, websites with higher speed improves user satisfaction and reduce bouncer rates.

A/B Testing – It helps to test two versions of the webpage and ensure which performs better. In A/B testing, multiple variables are tested simultaneously to understand their impact on conversions.

How to calculate Conversion Rate Optimization?

There is an easy way to calculate conversion rate optimization. In mathematical terms, conversion rate optimization is the ratio of total number of conversions occurring on a web page or site during a specific time period and total number of visitors to your page or website. After calculating the ratio, it is multiplied with 100 that will result in a percentage.

The mathematical formula to calculate CRO is –

Conversion Rate Optimization (in %) – (Number of conversions/Total number of visitors) X 100

Conversion Rate Optimization Strategies

As you have read how crucial CRO is and you need to recognize the best CRO strategies that can help in your business growth. Otherwise, it is a waste of time to drive traffic to your site and which results in no or little impact on your business.

The main CRO strategies are listed below –

A/B Testing – The main point is to make different versions of the webpage to test the elements such as headlines, images and CTAs. It is supportive to use tools like Optimizely to compare the performance of each variant. Make sure to use changes that show positive improvement in the web pages.

Heatmaps and Clickmaps – The major key is to check where users click, scroll, and spend the most time. The content should be optimized based on the user engagement patterns.

User Feedback and Surveys – You can check on-site surveys on tools like Qualaroo to ask visitors about their experience and any obstacles they face. Another idea is to take post purchase surveys to collect feedback from the customers about their purchasing decision.

Improve Website Speed – The result driven strategy is to include compressed images to reduce the load times. The unnecessary characters from HTML, CSS, Javascript should be removed.

Optimize Calls to Action (CTAs) – It would be an excellent strategy to place CTAs at visible and logical positions on the page. The words used in CTAs must be action oriented that conveys the benefit of clicking.


Conversion Rate Optimization is an ongoing process that requires continuous efforts and testing. By implementing the CRO strategies that we have discussed, you can choose the best strategies that can provide you positive results for your business.

Remember to try and test new things for your website to see what resonates with your audiences and don’t be afraid as every website is unique with different business goals. So, what works for one website may not work for another.

With the help of TheManinderShow you can increase your conversion rate for your website at affordable rates. We recommend checking our services and see how we can optimize your website.